#1 Weight Loss Tip Part 1. Simple and Easy!

Hey guys.  I’m really focusing on the JB Fitness, personal training aspect right now because I see that it’s helping a lot of people and is picking up a lot of momentum and I have to keep it going so that’s AWESOME.

That being said, we’re trying to get picked up by Oprah because she’s actively looking for another show right now and what I have going on fits her criteria!  That being said, I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening and when I get that submission video finished if you like  it you can vote on it to help us get picked up!

Here’s a video from my Youtube channel on the #1 Weight Loss Secret and I’ve got 4 more coming because we’ve got to demystify this weight loss epidemic and start solving this problem.

This tip will literally change your life forever and it’s something simple and easy and something that won’t make you have to have a whole diet revolution in one minute!

Watch this video and if you have any questions or comments you can email, post, comment, etc. and we’ll take care of it as soon as possible =)!!


JB from JB Fitness.  America’s Rebel Trainer.

The Best Motivation Video

Watch this over and over again.  Internalize these lessons and remember this for your own life.



P.S.  Perhaps it should be “The Best Motivational Video” but on Youtube it’s written like this and I wanted to keep the title the same =)

Keep Going. Don't give up.

This post is about getting back up when you get knocked down.

He didn't lose from getting knocked down... He lost by not getting back up.

I heard a quote that really moved me not too long ago and it said that “Mike Tyson didn’t lose a fight by getting knocked down, he lost because he didn’t get back up.”

That really got to me because that was so true.  When you circumstances are difficult, people aren’t believing in  you, the money is short, people are calling and you don’t want to answer your phone (am I hitting any chords??? =)  GET BACK UP!!!!

When you read the autobiographies of “Great men and women” you’re going to notice something.  I think that the main reason people enjoy reading autobiographies and hearing the stories of Stallone i s because they got knocked down so many times and so many people identify with that.  The more important part though, is that that person got back up after each knock down.  That’s the part we not only need to remember but emulate.  That’s the action and the take-away of all of these stories.  Get back up.  Try again.  Keep trying.

Most of us don’t keep trying or somehow we feel that we’ve exhausted all of our options.  That’s a lie.  The difference between 4 out of 100 people is that those 4 don’t stop.  The average 96 people say, “I’m going to try this one more time and if it doesn’t work then I know it’s not meant to be.”  The people that make it happen KNOW that whatever they’re going for is “MEANT TO BE.”

The first thing is this….  Find out what it is that you want to go for and make sure that it’s something that’s aching in your bones and that you can’t stop thinking about.

The second thig…  GO FOR IT.

We’ll talk again and I’ll give a success story of a few of the things that I’m going after right now.

I’ll give you a heads up.

Come on out to the Bootcamp. I'd love to have you!

I’m an Exercise Phyiologist and Personal trainer and I’m working on getting some Bootcamps up and running again down here in Dallas, TX.  They’re the funnest and best and most effective Bootcamps you’ll ever see and I love being outside and doing them and I love the people that it helps.  It enables me to train more people at one time and make more money per hour doing it.   It’s a win win win for everyone.  I enjoy myself, they get a good work out, and they spend less money per hour for a trainer and I make more money per hour.  When I did the camps in Oklahoma I was up to $100-$200 and down here my goal is to get up to $500 and then $1000.  I’ll keep you posted.   I’ll also keep you posted as to how that passes over to your online businesses.  That’s a revolution that’s happening right now that I think you’ll all be excited to hear about.  If you want to hear more stories about difficulties that I’ve personally gone through let me know.  If you just want to hear how to make it happen without any sob stories, let me know too.  If you hear about something and don’t want to and you didn’t vote, then don’t complain because you didn’t stand up to say anything =)=)

Be well.  Happy Memorial Day.  Thank you, Dad, for all that you’ve done for this country but ever moreso, for our family.  It was hard growing up with you away in Haiti and other countries but it also made our family stronger.  I love you.

Jerome Bethea

Making online money the easy way

There are a lot of ways to make money online but the reality is that it all boils down to one thing.

Stop being so complicated. Let's really break things down here.

I’m going to share that one thing with you in a few more sentences because I want to string you along =)  Just kidding.  I’ll show you how to make money online the easy way but I do need to set the table just slightly so that when you see what that is you’ll recognize the truth in it and change it.

Someone came to me and offered me their list of 40,000 people/opt ins.  Many people could’ve taken this list and made a fortune to the tune of no less than 7-figures with it easily.  Some people may call me a fool but there is something that I realized with this.  The guy that had this list knew these people in a way that I didn’t.  He understood this niche and identified with them.  He was just trying to be helpful to me and didn’t really need them for any reason.  He wasn’t doing anything with them and had been sitting on it for years.

Instead of taking that list and mailing them some internet marketing program or how to make money online or something like that, which is what I do, I realized that they didn’t want that.  What did they want?  I didn’t have a clue so I asked the guy.  He told me what they wanted.  I could’ve ran and done that but still, I didn’t.  To make a long story short I shared the possibilities of this list and what you could do with it with this guy and showed him how to make some nice money doing it and we’re now doing that together.  It’s a win-win-win.  The list of people get what they truly want, the guy gets to do what he loves to do and talks about anyways, and I get to profit from putting all of this together and helping out both parties.

Start trying to make these and you'll be laughing your way to the bank all day and night!

This is a short post but the point is very strong and can save you a lot of time and heartache.  It can turn a good idea into a great one and it can turn $1,000/month into $100,000.

Here is the formula for making money online the easy way, “Give people what they’re looking for”, “Give people what they want”, and “Give people what they feel they need.”  Don’t try to force things down their throat and convince them.  Find out what they want and give it to them.  That’s service, that’s a win win, and that’ll get you your income.

Put this into action today and let me know what kind of results you start seeing.

-Jerome Bethea

The truth behind making money online…

"Shh, We're Hunting Wabbits." Let's get the low down on making some money.

It’s an interesting dynamic of sales and human behavior.  Everyone wants everyone else to be honest but they themselves stretch the truth.  Or… everyone wants people to tell them the truth but then when they tell them the truth it makes them so nervous they don’t want to listen anymore.

This happens with long sales letters with online programs.  Nobody likes them but at the same time you’re too impatient to actually listen to the entire video they have going at the top to placate you so you scroll through the material to read it for yourself.  You just can’t please people!   So what do you do???

You stop trying.

That’s what I do and it seems to be working all right for me, anyways.  You see?  Even right there I planted a seed that said that I was successful and now you want to listen to more of what I have to say even though I said I don’t care to try and please everyone.  Here’s the truth.  It’s all about human behavior.  There is no “magic bullet” behind making money online.  You’re dealing with the same people who you’re trying to sell at that job you hate.  The main difference is you’re having to communicate that message through different media.  With video you can talk to them the way you would in person but you’re nervous because you can’t read their expressions to know where to angle your story.   At the same time there are a lot of crooks out there the internet is also making people more honest.  Because no one trusts anyone anymore you really have to put all of your cards on the table.

Don't ignore the truth and don't be a loner. Partner with someone. It makes all the difference in the world.

That being said…  “The truth behind making money online” is as follows…  It’s difficult but at the same time easy.  I don’t want to say that something is hard because then I’ll create that reality and I don’t want to do that for myself or for you.  I also don’t want to simply say it’s easy because it paints  another reality that’s not true.

96% of people trying to make money online don’t succeed.  That’s a lot.  Good ol’ Affiliate Marketers that number jumps to 98%.  MLM “ers” are doing better and only 96% of them don’t make money compared to the affiliate marketers!  So what do we do?  I’ve made money online and continue to so does that mean I’m the guy you should listen to?  Well, who are the 96% people listening to???  The SAME people that the 4% who are making money are listening to!!!!!!   The difference is the person.

I was talking with a guy the other day and he’s been online for 2 years and hasn’t cracked $1000/month in 2 years!  He averages around 200.  As I was beginning to trouble-shoot some things he said, “I don’t want you to fix it, man.  No offense, I just don’t want that.”   I WASN’T EVEN CHARGING HIM!!  What in the world was going on?  So many people are “hearing” what people are saying but they’re not “applying it” or really “listening” to it.

The truth behind making money online is that you really have to apply what you hear and realize that it does take work.  I’ve spent many many many hours working on my online business and even more so than my offline businesses but the difference is that with my online businesses they literally continue to operate and work when I’m not and require very very little maintenance if I didn’t enjoy tweaking things.

It’s a short and to the point post.  Listen, repeat, and apply.  Don’t be a hard-headed loner that never listens to anyone.  That defines 96% of people who want to keep 100% of everything.  Remember this quote:

“100% of $0 is $0.  50% of $100 is $50.”

The point is that if you work with someone you’re more likely to make “some” money than no money.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Make it a great day.

Jerome Bethea

Ebook, iBook, iPad Domination!

Get ready for your new library

I’m sure you’re already ready for it but I’m not sure if you know what “IT” means.

Notice the iPad.  Notice the kindle.  Notice the iBooks App…  Do you see a trend?  One more thing.  Pay attention to Google and notice that they’re developing a digital publishing “house/concept”etc. and getting in on it too.

Got it?????  We’re selling these things!  While everyone else is focusing on other ways to make money online the biggest trend is staring them in their face and they’re missing it.  I was online the other day on my iPhone and there was an App that was selling “Self Help” books right on the iPhone.  Guess what?  We’ve got “Self Help” ebooks all day long!  That’s exactly what we’re providing.  People are ready and are in the process of being continuously phased out of reading tangible material and being put into the digital world for everything.  EVERYTHING.

Google, Apple, Amazon, are all doing the work for you.  They’re taking your people and feeding them to you and teaching them how to accept what you have for them.  It doesn’t get better then this folks.  This is almost like an MLM concept where you’re “In on the ground floor opporutnity” =).

I just wanted to point out something that seems to not be obvious to a lot of people and show what the media and news is already telling us and reassure you to take advantage of this.

Keep up the good work everyone.  I have  free product for you that if you haven’t yet grabbed it, go ahead and grab it while it’s still available and it’ll show you how to take advantage of all of this right now.  The product is FREE so grab is here:  CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE PRODUCT

I’ll see you over there.  Enjoy your FREE BONUS VIDEO that’s on the other side of that free product =)  Surprise surprise!

~Jerome Bethea

Free Blog Profits Tutorial

It's the beginning of the road but eating an elephant can only be done one bite at a time... Think about it.

You’re spending all of that time on the internet, why not make money with that time?  All of that talking you’re doing can be bringing you some extra cheddar and all you’re bound to do is share your truth with the world.  This is a great gift that I wanted to share with everyone because it can be a little confusing and everyone needs help so here is a great way to start.

If you’re not a blogger but you’re trying to make money online I think you’ll eventually end up right back here.  Here’s the kicker.  This blog allows you to get out your passion, your steam, your truth, and even your product.  Your product should be a reflection of that desire and passion that you want to share with the world in some way.  It allows people to see how you can actually help them get to where they want to go and yes… it is about THEM and not about YOU.  Don’t make that common mistake that most business

This business is NOT all about you, it's about the people who you want to help!

people and entrepreneurs make.  It’s easy to do but if you think about, blog about, and take care of the people looking to you for help you’ll surely be taken care of.

I’m not sure what’s going to come after blogging besides more and more video but the idea and concept around the way we’re communicating to the world is likely here to stay so that’s  a business principle to get used to for now =)

Enjoy the gift and I’ll talk with you soon!

-Jerome Bethea

Your "Quit Your Job in 30-Days" Professor…

Focus and teach what's important to you. People thought Einstein was crazy for a loooong time. Now they think he was a genius. Remember that.

I was talking with my sister yesterday and she brought up her experience in Physics back in college.  She said that when she was with her tutor she knew how to answer the question and figure out the problem perfectly.  That exact same question, when she arrived at home, would baffle her completely!  What’s going on?

We were talking about coaching and staying motivated and being around positive people.  I coach her in different type of business ventures and most everything I do she partners with me in some way or another.  She’s partnering with me in the “Ebook Underground” Quit Your Job in 30-Days Project and she was asking me how she’s going to “succeed” with this and what does she do once she gets off the phone.

At first I thought her problem was motivation and so I was thinking about spending her time around more positive people and people who understand what it is to work for yourself and not someone else.  The people who can visualize or who already know what it’s like to be truly free.

She then said that the problem wasn’t motivation because she thinks about it all the time and is motivated to do things, it’s just that when she gets off the phone or leaves the session she doesn’t do anything because she doesn’t know how to solve the problem.

That analogy led to some amazing things in my mind.  I wondered how I can solve this problem because if she felt this way then someone else also felt this way.  I thought about coaching sessions but that seemed so boring for other people and I wasn’t sure how I could help a lot of people with that one because I’m only one person.  Then the idea of a teleseminar came to mind and that’s when it happened.

You don't have to wear the headset if you don't want to but if you're hands are free you can eat cereal or take notes while listening!

The people who get involved and contribute right now with the “Ebook Underground” Quit Your Job in 30-Days Project will be able to have a teleseminar with me and the other members of the community to help stay plugged in with your “Physics Professor” and keep your brain juices flowing and the results coming.  If I coach one on one I can at max only help 10 people per day or something like that and this information and the people involved in this is well-over 1000 people and there are not enough hours to do that and it would leave out a lot of people at this time.   So…

The Teleseminar is a great concept and what we’ll do on the calls will be to


Problem solve specific situations

Hone in on Strategic marketing


For specific problems.  The calls will grow from there but it’s a great place to start to help more people achieve their results and get what they’re actually going after!

‘Til next time!


P.S.  Here is the link to getting started with the community and beginning your life change and journey to quitting your job Now..  Click Here. http://www.ImprovementMillionaire.com/IM/Thanks_2.html

E-book Underground 30-Day "Quit Your Job" Project

Get ready because this is about to be "Screw Proof"... We'll talk about that later.

Here we go, guys.

We’re going a journey and we’re going to make it happen. I’m creating a product that’s going to help people quit their jobs in 30-days and begin their “Money making from online” careers at home for real this time. This is a feat and I’m going to need your support but at the same time I want to take you for the ride.

To begin this journey we have to be in the right frame of mind and we have to do this together. For those of you who are on-board from the beginning I’m going to let you in to some pretty cool surprises, tips, and secrets valued at over $200 so this is going to be well worth your time and insight.

I’m keeping this post short and going to keep hitting it hard.

Here’s the first task. Do me a favor and click on this click and it’ll take you to the page with 36 different self improvement books and I want to give the one of your choice to you for $5. Take the money for the cup of coffee and get a book. That $5 is going to the project and we’re going to keep going from there. See you on the other side and I’ll be keeping you posted.

Before you put in your information for your ebook be sure that you look at all of the titles to make sure that you get the one that is going to be best for you.

Click on the link below that says, “here you go. enjoy.” =)

Here you go. Enjoy.

Sell Trash for Money!

Can you sell ice to an eskimo? No worries, I'm going to make it easier than that.

I was working on some marketing late last night and I had a few things come to mind that I had to share with you.

I peruse several products a day and take a look at what seems like it may be a good fit for a joint venture, a good fit to purchase, a good fit to tell you guys about, etc. and I was also setting up some marketing for my business.  One of the main things that hit me last night is that one of the latest items I’m working on I know deep down that it is a 6-figure product.  There seem to be obstacles here and there that are minor but none-the-less keep me thinking.  Last night I realized what is going on.  I had a new thought that put me in somewhat of the same direction but at the same time completely different.  I understood what needed to be done.

That let me to this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT point.

Do not blame the product for your woes.  Do not think that the product has a flaw (that doesn’t mean it never will it just means, in this case and many cases that is NOT the case).   You can sell trash and make millions.  The person who invented the idea of putting plastic at the tips of shoelaces is a millionaire now.  The person who invented paper clips is a millionaire as well.  The main point is figuring out where your trash/product/paperclip fits in.  Where can you apply it?  It comes back a bit to what we covered a few weeks ago and that is, “what is your niche?”  But somehow, this is loads more important.

In the phrase, “that salesman can sell ice to an “Eskimo” (more properly termed, “Inuit”),

Don't try and sell ice to these guys. They'll just point to your bottle of "Evian" and laugh!

it shows you that it doesn’t matter what they product is or even whether people need to sell them something.  Now, IN OUR CASE, our whole point is to only sell what we feel people need and would benefit from.  If we focus on service the money will take care of itself.  In that case, it didn’t even matter who the salesman’s niche was because he should’ve been selling to Hawaiians.   But if we borrow a smidge we can see that if we properly place what we have we can turn that trash into something amazing.

Instead of speaking in metaphors, I’ll share with you something specific.  There are limitless ways that people can use my membership site to make money, but if you think a bit outside of the box there are a few things that can quickly bring you on a 6-figure path in 60-days (hey, that’s pretty catchy!).  Calm your mind, relax, don’t hustle, and utilize your skills and see where that can lead you.  Something that is invaluable is having a coach or mentor to bounce your ideas off of.  If you feel that you don’t want to hire one, you can utilize someone who is extremely positive and encouraging and see what ideas come up when you brainstorm.

The biggest take-away from today is this…

Before you toss that product that “failed” into the trash and before you give up because things just “aren’t working”, take another look and apply something that you haven’t tried before.  Think outside the box, bounce the ideas off of someone, and knock it out of the park!!!

See you next time.

Good luck!
